홈연구자 광장자료실
연구자 광장

Development of Aerobic Exercise Equipment Using Universal Design: Trea…

페이지 정보

조회 : 73회 작성일 : 24-08-02 03:14


Abstract: Exercise products based on universal design, which reduce restrictions on the exercise environment and ensure convenience and safe use, are beneficial for people with a disability; however, the current universal design only considers the preferences of the general population, which is not suitable for the disabled population. This results in the exclusivity of the sports facilities and supplies for people with a disability. Consequently, we explored the components of universal design and product satisfaction by considering users with disabilities and proposed the direction for designing extended universal exercise equipment that is suitable for them. Specifically, this study focuses on developing exercise equipment for people with a disability. Based on the results from the evaluation of acceptance and satisfaction of universal sports products for people with a disability using design thinking, we suggest the following. First, it is necessary to consider safety devices for exercise products. Second, the user interface should be improved in terms of convenience. Third, the ergonomic instrument design should be improved. Finally, the instrument design should be centered on user convenience. 

Keywords: universal design; exercise participation of the disabled; aerobic exercise equipment; treadmill; arm ergometer 
